Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #musiquinta
9: #explainyourusername
8: #ThrowbackThursday
7: #7291documental
6: #mow4
5: #bundestag
4: #mow3
3: #warntag
2: #makershour
1: #alfredhitchcockanything
Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #musiquinta
9: #explainyourusername
8: #ThrowbackThursday
7: #7291documental
6: #mow4
5: #bundestag
4: #mow3
3: #warntag
2: #makershour
1: #alfredhitchcockanything
#MakersHour is now trending across Mastodon
@Janet_52square @MakersHour
Yes please.
More questions for the #MakersHourBank is always welcome.
Today we loaded far too many tools,
And went to the community workshop.
I repaired the damage to the gates,
From the attempted break in.
After lunch we tackled a #RepairCafe job,
And broke apart a badly glued tile.
Cleaned the glue off the edges,
And repaired it properly.
Fell asleep on the sofa,
But had to get up to do caretaking.
So very exhausted,
And nearly didn't manage #MakersHour.
That's enough for now,
Nodding off already.
Amser gwely,
Q5/A5 long supply chains? To make my making more local I would have to source tools and thread from local surplus or reuse like Seattle ReCreative.
A5 #MakersHour
I have been thinking about this question all week. About what would make my making more local. At first I thought about sheep Farms, but there are plenty of those where I live. But we don’t have are dye
houses and spinning factories , which disappeared when so much of the textile industry went overseas in the second half of the 20th century. We would need many more spinning factories and dye houses for local sources. Thank you!
Thanks to everyone for partaking too! It’s been a VERY welcome distraction for me!
Thank you all for a lovely #MakersHour. I wasn't sure I'd get through it tonight, but I'm glad I did.
A3 #MakersHour What are the newest and oldest techniques I use?
Knitting is really old (100-200AD) and so are printed patterns (~1550). The techniques have essentially been the same for so long. I don’t know if there’s anything new in it.
@quixoticgeek #MakersHour q4 for me the answer is the same for both questions - my brain
Today, I played around with some tiny copper elements. Hammered them, pierced them, arranged them with glass beads. Will make them into earrings probably #CreativeToots #metalwork #craft #maker #makershour #copper #handmade
A2 #MakersHour What 21st Century thing I use in my making?
I keep all my patterns on my iPad!
I hate paper patterns and this invention (that came before I started knitting) is perfect for me.
@yvan @MakersHour
Lateral thinking!
I like it.
A1 #MakersHour I had to pick something fun. I knit a lot of fun things. I bought four kits thinking I’d make eight. It turns out the kits made a lot more than that. There are 21 in all. We kept 2 and a lot of our friends got a knit snow person from me in 2022 Q5: Most supply chains are pretty long these days. What would have to change to make your making more local?
A5 I think apart from the polymer clay as previously mentioned, most of my suppliers are UK based and many of my resources comes from charity shops so actually very local indeed. I’m also nuts about growing my own veg keeping chickens etc but that’s more cooking than making.
Q5: Most supply chains are pretty long these days. What would have to change to make your making more local?
If I only sewed in linen and wool, I could theoretically grow my own material (or grow cotton in a greenhouse..). And with the right machines, we could make our own timber for modelling. my locality, primarily! I'm out in the sticks of the UK, pretty much as far east as you can get here without getting exceptionally wet. Or French.
#MakersHour A5: I think the best thing I could do to shorten my supply chain is to move to Shenzhen. I buy yarn locally, but I assume it comes quire a long way to get to the shop.i suppose that there would need to be local producers at a price I could afford #MakersHour A5 Can the UK make its own semiconductors anytime soon...?
More realistically a cheap, massively automated PCB fab would be pretty neat locally.
But when small ones can come in at less than £1 a piece, including being posted from the other side of the world...