EthicalRevolution is the name of the project I’ve been running since 2013. It began as a website which was sort of a ‘Money Saving Expert’ specifically for more ethical goods and services.
It came about when I started making big changes in my own life, thinking more about the impacts of my daily transactions. I was trying to do everything with sustainability in mind.
The trouble I faced was that the more ethical stuff tended to always cost a lot more than mainstream alternatives and I have never earned much money (a story for another time) so it was difficult to achieve.
I would scour for hours to find the cheapest places to get said ethical goods/services when I needed them. I lamented the fact there was no way of doing this other than performing multiple searches and going to multiple websites to find the best option and so I set up a website where anyone could search for anything and find links to good deals to bring down the cost of ethical purchasing.
It was the first website of its kind at the time.
In the years that ensued sustainability has become a more prominent issue and moved more in to mainstream thinking, which is of course a very positive thing. As such there are now loads of websites that do what EthicalRevolution once did and so my site has since undergone its own little revolution and is now set up as a 26 step challenge (from A-Z) that anyone can take to try to create a better world for themselves and their surroundings.