#Orgzly supports #WebDAV for file sync. I'd prefer to self-host, and it would be great to revision my notes.
Long ago, I played with self-hosted #Subversion repositories over WebDAV via #Apache (https://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.webdav.html). I presume this is still possible.
Anyone ever tried auto-revisioning Orgzly notes like this?
Also, any clues on what auth #Orgzly #WebDAV access uses? Guessing it's HTTP Basic (https://github.com/orgzly/orgzly-android/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/WebdavRepo.kt).
HTTPS client cert support would be ideal, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that.
Although... if OkHttp has HTTPS client cert support, patching Orgzly would be a good weekend project. If OkHttp needs patching, it'd be a bit more work.
But it's not like I have any spare time these days, so HTTP Basic+self-signed server-side HTTPS cert oughta do it.
Hey, neato, OkHttp probably can do HTTPS client certs: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56272355/okhttp-with-client-certificate-crt-p12-java-security-cert-certpathvalidatore
This is totally within my ability to execute on in a couple of days. Should set up Apache+SVN first and test that out.
Life being what it is, however, this brief foray into Orgzly sync will probably be my last desperate grasp at personal improvement for the next (checks calendar) 15 years? Wish me luck...
Yep, #Orgzly's #WebDAV sync works decently well with the Subversion/Apache WebDAV interface. Set it up this afternoon.
Updates to notebooks in Orgzly automagically show up as new commits in SVN. Sync should now be a snap, and stale notes can be deleted without losing history.
The most challenging part was figuring out the self-signed cert for HTTPS. Orgzly lets you pin a self-signed cert, but its subjectAltName field has to match the server's fully qualified domain (and not just the CN).