The waste of a human future upon the tragedy of AI means no matter what you want to do in the mainstream culture, no matter how creative, you are now just outdated goods. The only course for humans is to destroy #AI and suppress its cynical pimps, shills, and purveyors. Or we can do what the tech oligarchs desire and just curl up and rot as a species, our creative faculties atrophying into a moribund stupidity.
There are times when to be a sentient worthy of the name one must be a stern ethical actor. Viz a viz #AI, #LLM, the only course worthy of ethics is a firm “no”. Such a stance of conscience goes against the entire training most receive in modern societies toward pliable technofatalism. But this is precisely why moderns are indoctrinated to a prone position. “No” means agency, enhances dignity, and invites us to pursue cooperative resistance.
If at least some sectors of human society do not wholly reject #AI with fervent rigor, then futures for the species look bleak. Consider the likely outcomes for us from a prone technofatalism before these machines: somewhere between the pampered and stupid cattle of Wall-E and total genocide. There must be viable redoubts wherein deployment of AI are immediately considered anathema for human dignity to endure. This is why #ButlerianJihad will be an ineluctable path for many.
It is likely great masses of humanity will soon be wholly curated by #AI: from fashions to myths to art to policing: all mainstream culture engineering compliance, *manufacturing consent* for regimes ordained by the various gilded elites - beyond the cognitive capacity of most to resist. Free redoubts must needs cleave to some rigorous multigenerational ethos. Those of us who want nothing to do with technological curation of us must strive to entrench a hard line. #ButlerianJihad #BoycottAI
Technofatalism as an ideology of compliance appeals to the logic of the rapist and the abuser. “You cannot stop progress, and we decide what progress means, not you.” Such denial of agency is the bedrock for regimes of coercive power, as it forecloses the possibility of free imagination, free action, free community. Technocracy’s fallacy of fatalism is a beguiling poison precisely because it entices with a Mephistophelian paternalism, confuses proneness with rest. #ButlerianJihad #BoycottAI
We know by now what the fruits of regimes of technofatalism are, and rest is not one of them. At the dawn of the “Information Age” the pimps of #AI promised the same cargo cult with the same justifications they do now. Yet leisure for the precariat masses has only become a more endangered good over the past half century for all but the morally compromised professional jannisary classes. Now even they are suddenly to be made obsolete, their creativity outsourced.
From the strategic point of view amongst the oligarchy, our rulers now must ask themselves what to do with the rest of us, their de facto precariat peons and debt chattel. A few options present themselves clearly:
Entrenched Neoliberalism
Cyberfeudal police states
Culling the herd
We can see all these strategic options being toyed with, experimented on us. #AI militates toward cyberfeudal orders as its power is cognitive coercion and propaganda.
Under the course of technofatalism’s process of cultural entrenchment, we have a brief window in which to establish any ground of resistance against #AI as a regime. Any enduring resistance must needs be collective. But the size of any AI-free sector or humanity ultimately boils down to the sum acts of dignity - the autonomy in the personal refusal to assimilate. Even if the cyber-cognitive rapists put a #AI enhanced gun to our heads, those who say “no” rage against the dying of the light.
I’m saying “no”.
I want nothing to do with #AI #MachineLearning #LLM, by whatever flag it flies. The whole mess reeks of totalitarian order. I want nothing to do with AI. I shame those who pimp and shill for technofatalism as traitors to their species’ very survival. I spit on the Quislings of Silicon Valley and their doe eyed compliance with oligarchy’s desires. I want none of this crap near me and tear it down with mine own hands when so imposed.