I will always post news & science articles about #Canada & its role in #geopolitical #EnvironmentalRacism & how #Canadian #ecocide #corporations often go to #ResourceRich & #PeoplePoor countries to #exploit #LandAndWater for #CorporateGreed - resulting in many #underreported cases of mass #EnvironmentalViolations & #HumanRightAbuses The companies seek corrupt governments to bribe too.
They're rarely held #accountable for their many #CrimesAgainstHumanity
I have a personal lifelong #vendetta against #Canadian #mining & #American & #NorthAmerican #logging #crapitalist #corporations because they're #responsible for #destroying lands/waterways in my #matriarch Grandparents villages in #Vietnam & I'll #NeverForgive them for that.
My family there suffered enough from wars & #biochemical #poisoning from #USA .
I'm the living angry #activist granddaughter fighting back against #ecocide & #CorporateGreed . I'm #resilient ASF, for my dead family members.