I had a computer near-death experience tonight. At first i didn't think it would recover, but after about 10 minutes of Windows repair function the computer started up again.
I don't know what caused it to crash, but I do have a back up mirror of the drive on a separate external drive..thankfully. I was not looking forward to calling my tech guru to ask him to fix it on a holiday weekend.
@fmhilton always happens on a long, holiday weekend; am I right?
@danielbowmaniel Oh, definitely, and I had to restore it twice, clean it up, defrag it myself. It took about 1 1/2 hours to do it. thoroughly-hopefully this second time works. It seems to have so far. Fingers crossed! (of course I've got tons of DVD and CD blanks just in case of...)
@danielbowmaniel Hey, that's the way Windoze works! Half black, and white and forgettaboutit if you have a bad sector. It happened again, took pictures and sent to tech guru for input. Looks like either drive is bad or graphics card is wonked. Either way it's not good. I hate computers...
@fmhilton oh phoey! so sad. wishing the best and least costly solution.
@danielbowmaniel thanks, guru is looking for new graphics card, he doesn't charge me for it because he was husband's friend/computer accomplice. here's hoping he can find good SATA drive, yes, that's weird, but that's my system. No SSD's for me!
@fmhilton nothing is weird any more, especially if you have several reliable B/U drives. what size sata drive do you run?
@danielbowmaniel Had to look it up- 465 gb, and b/p external drive of 500 gb that holds my boot and b/up windoze installs. using Win 7, (yeah, I know...) and Quadro FX 4600 graphics card that's about 17 years old. I'm hoping that he can find a good used one (he has stuff in his computer parts). I'd like that it be Nvidia, always have had that. it's really a pita to find stuff that works with this rig, because everyone's gone really exotic now and cards are astronomically high.
@fmhilton i helped my 24 year old (back at home) build his own gaming PC and big $$ went into that beast. the crazy Nvidia card was easily the most expensive component. glad he paid for that!
@danielbowmaniel Nvidia is like one's inlaws...you like them but they are really demanding at times..i've heard some horror stories on Nvidia cards, and they know their worth. Damn it..
@fmhilton very apropos, considering we are presently on site caring for my mother-in-law.
@danielbowmaniel Sorry about that..I don't have that situation but I'm on site caring for this piece of metal which is acting very cranky and hoping it'll last til a replacement graphics card is available. I don't dare look at prices, I think I'll probably faint dead away.