Table of #DOGE members.
(01 - 05) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
01) #BorisAkis, Recruiter, #OPM
02) #JacobAltik, Lawyer, OPM
03) #MarcAndreessen, Musk ally
04) #AnthonyArmstrong, Senior advisor to the Director, OPM
05) #JehnBalajadia, Musk aide, #ED
Table of #DOGE members.
(06 - 10) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
06) #AlexandraBeynon, Expert (coding), #ED
07) #RiccardoBiasini, Senior Advisor to the Director, #OPM
08) #BrianBjelde, Senior Advisor, OPM
09) #AkashBobba, Expert (coding), OPM, #GSA
10) #JamesBurnham, General Counsel, #EOP
Table of #DOGE members.
(11 - 15) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
11) #NateCavanaugh, #GSA
12) #GeorgeCooper, Recruiter
13) #SamCorcos, #IRS
14) #EdwardCoristine, Expert (coding), #DT, #OPM, #DOS, #DHS, #FEMA, #USAID
15) #SteveDavis, Musk second-in-command, #EOP, OPM, GSA
Table of #DOGE members.
(16 - 20) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
16) #StephenDuarte, Expert (HR), #OPM
17) #LelandDudek, Acting Commissioner, #SSA
18) #StephenEhikian, Acting Administrator, #GSA
19) #MarkoElez, Expert (coding), #USDT
20) #LukeFarritor, Executive Engineer in the Office of the Secretary, #HHS, #DOS
Table of #DOGE members.
(21 - 25) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
21) #JustinFulcher, Liaison, #VA
22) #JoeGebbia
23) #AmyGleason, Acting Administrator of #USDS and #USDSTO, USDS
24) #AntonioGracias, Musk ally
25) #MichaelGrimes, #DOC
Table of #DOGE members.
(26 - 30) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
26) #TylerHassen, Liaison, #USBR
27) #GregHogan, Chief Information Officer, #OPM
28) #NicoleHollander, #GSA
29) #StephanieHolmes, Head of human resources
30) #AnthonyJancso, Recruiter
Table of #DOGE members.
(31 - 35) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
31) #ColeKillian, Federal Detailee, #EPA
32) #GavinKliger, Senior advisor to the Director, #CFPB, #OPM, #USAID, #IRS
33) #KeenanKmiec, Lawyer, #EOP
34) #TomKrause, Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, #USDT
35) #ScottKupor, Director, OPM
Table of #DOGE members.
(36 - 40) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
36) #ScottLangmack, Liaison, #HUD
37) #JeremyLewin, Liaison, #CFPB, #USAID, #DOS
38) #KendallLindemann, Expert (HR), #EOP, #USDS
39) #KathrynArmstrongLoving, Federal detailee, #EPA
40) #TarakMakecha, Finance executive, DOS
Table of #DOGE members.
(41 - 45) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
41) #KatieMiller, Spokesperson
42) #MichaelMinski, Liaison, #FHFA and #HUD
43) #BryanneMichelleMlodzianowski, Expert (HR), #OPM
44) #AramMoghaddassi, #USDT
45) #JustinMonroe, Expert (security), #FBI
Table of #DOGE members.
(46 - 50) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
46) #BrooksMorgan, #ED
47) #ElonMusk, TrumpAdvisor
48) #NoahPeters, Lawyer, #OPM, #EOP
49) #NikhilRajpal, Expert (coding), #CFPB, #NOAA, OPM
50) #AdamRamada, Liaison, EOP
Table of #DOGE members.
(51 - 55) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
51) #AustinRaynor, Lawyer, senior advisor, #OPM, #EOP
52) #RyanRiedel, Chief Information Officer, #DOE
53) #RachelRiley, Senior advisor in the Office of the Secretary, #HHS
54) #MichaelRusso, Chief Information Officer, #SSA
55) #AmandaScales, Chief of Staff, OPM
Table of #DOGE members.
(56 - 60) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
56) #FrankSchuler, Real estate executive, #GSA
57) #KyleSchutt, Software engineer, GSA
58) #BrytonShang, #USBR
59) #EthanShaotran, Expert (coding), GSA, #ED
60) #ThomasShedd, Director and Deputy Commissioner of Technology Transformation Services, GSA (Federal Acquisition Service)
Table of #DOGE members.
(61 - 65) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
61) #BradSmith, Chief of staff
62) #BrendanSpikes, Musk lieutenant, #OPM
63) #ChristopherStanley, Musk aide, OPM
64) #RussellVought, Director, #OMB
65) #JordanWick, Expert (coding), #CFPB
Table of #DOGE members.
(66 - 68) (of 68)
From #Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency#DOGE_members
66) #JoannaWischer, Policy analyst
67) #RyanWunderly, Special advisor, #USDT
68) #ChrisYoung, Top political advisor, #CFPB, #EOP
@MrWtr0102 re: Cole Killian's former life as a crypto scammer: