I made some tiny tweaks to my Cistercian numerals watch face. The date and step count numerals are now just a little bit bolder, and there's finally a way to see the remaining battery power on screen: that thin black border around the edge will gradually shrink into the corners as it drains.
I finally thought to take a photo towards the end of the day when the time numeral is fairly complex!
#ESP32 #CPP #Watchy #watch #Cistercian #CistercianNumerals #programming #microcontroller
Handily, four little gaps just appeared in the border which I think makes it clearer what happens as the battery starts to drop.
It's taken a while (which is a good thing!), but my battery-indicating watch face border has shrunk way into the corners of the screen, showing that the battery is getting rather low. I plan to let it run right down and see how long it takes to actually stop keeping time. Handily, the e-paper display should show the exact time it lost power even after it's totally out of juice, since it doesn't need electricity to keep an image on the screen.
#Watchy #e_ink #watch
An update on my Cistercian numerals watch: turns out I wildly underestimated how long the battery would last. Having tooted about it "getting rather low" on December 18th, it didn't actually run out until last night. Looks like the battery indicator needs a way lower minimum voltage. #Watchy