Do you ever feel like an LLM found the equivalent of your LiveJournal and posted it to a public mailing list?
@driusan “Please leave the me of 10 years ago out of this thread…” - good line. :-)
That LLM noise is so frustrating. :-/ I was comfortably ignoring that thread until I saw that URL and was like "wait, what? What the fuck? What? Fuck."
Luckily I re-read it and it wasn't as embarrassing as I'm sure some of the things on that site are. I don't know if any of them are still valid. (Though I guess it was based on 4e, so nothing's technically changed..)
@driusan @a one of the biggest lacks in my opinion is this: you can read a full year about everything around plan 9, all documentation, all man pages, even a basic installation. But once you set up a plan 9 system you're done and you need help. You need help using the system, you need help configuring it, and there's often just no documentation for you.