@mdhughes It occurs to me that #NaughtyDog were a #commonLisp company who wrote a #gameDev #scheme dialect. Did you think about that viz #Arrokoth and its game-creation-language ? Was it already intended to be a scheme? Do you have a piece of history I'm missing about Crash Bandicoot schemes?
@screwtape Not specifically, Abuse is more the "videogame written in Lisp-ish" I was familiar with.
But my old game construction kits all relied on scripting first.
Right now I'm thinking/prototyping in Scheme the scripting glue language I'll use, complex Arrokoth code will be in Lisp but easy stuff can just be done in script.
@screwtape Figures, the wiki page says nothing about Lisp. If you get the Abuse source, it's just full of .lsp files, and a runner.