@philsplace Muscovich hates paying anything above minimum wage. Actually he would rather pay under that but can’t get away with it in the US.
Poor news judgment. Surely they have a cute puppy to show.
@philsplace Looking good sir, real healthy sir, like Christopher Walken playing the role of "B17 tail gunner on his ninth bombing run over Berlin" sir.
He’s clearly crossed the line long ago into the evil oligarch category
@NMBA @philsplace He even has the look of an evil Bond villain these days as well.
@philsplace Yeah, you have the right idea. I really detest this particular one, though. He's basically an OPM operator--he operates with "other people's money"....
@philsplace if he doesnt like unions hes gonna LOVE angry mobs.
@philsplace He's supposed to be genius iq but that statement is as devoid of wisdom as possible. 180 degrees. Gosh, if people only used that as their yardstick. He is clothed in folly.
@philsplace Musk agrees with the idea of serfdom, which is what you have when workers have almost no power and employers have almost unlimited power.
I am fine with billionairs and unions. But only when there is right-to-work laws, that is, laws that make it illegal for unions to be forced on employees (which is becoming increasingly common)
@freemo @philsplace Right to work states are all about free loading employees. A business does not have to agree to be a union business they can just hire scabs
Right to work means a company can hire non-union workers.. in non-right-to-work states it unions can force businesses into contracts where they are required to only hire union employees, in non-right-to-work states the business is not free to hire non-union workers, and likewise a worker **must** join the union to be hired and the worker does not have the right to refuse members. Likewise if i leave membership of my union after being hired I must be let go.
Cant ever support non-right-to-work states.
@freemo @philsplace
There is no such thing as a non-right-to-work state! As a union member, you agree to let the union negotiate for you, then you vote to accept or decline. The company does not have to agree, then a strike or not. Remember you don't have to work for a union but to let other do the work and get all the goodies, makes you of low character
There is no such thing as a non-right-to-work state!
Incorrect, there are 23 non-right-to-work states, and 27 right to work states.
Remember you don’t have to work for a union but to let other do the work and get all the goodies, makes you of low character
Depends on the state and the country. In states without right-to-work laws, then unions can (and often do) require a company only hire union workers and have a contract with the company where they are obligated to do so. Non-union workers can not work at such a company.
Sounds like you are describing a state with a right-towork law, which is as it should be. In such states it is as you describe, no one is required to be a member of the union.
@freemo @philsplace
Please identify the legislation that has been enacted to codify "non-right-to-work" into law, But first, fuck right off. I have always worked union, and I am now retired with a pension and full health benefits. Have a nice life, Scab.
Sure since you specifically asked, id be happy to explain that to you.
Right-to-work laws are encoded into law many different ways, the specific laws are state specific.
The attached link provides a complete list of the states with right to work laws in place, dates, and the details of the law.
All other states are non-right-to-work, meaning thry do not have right-to-work laws of any kind enacted.
Hope that helps clarify.
@freemo @cindyyusa @philsplace right to work means every employee can veto which means everyone loses except the employer
No thats not what right to work means. Rigbt to work varies from state to state but essentially just means you must be a memeber of the union with a securities agreement to get the job. At a minimum it obligates all employees to pay union dues and support the union even if thry dont want to.
The consequence that has on voti g depends largely on the particular union and state in question.
@philsplace i wondered about this. What's the point of collecting wealth? Can't billionaires not just get a certificate when they reach a billion usd that says :congrats you won and then the rest of the profits go to the employees
Absentee father and wealth hoarder wants others to suffer so he can feel better.
Fixed it.
@philsplace proves he can’t negotiate
@philsplace @zeldman Absolutely the correct response
@philsplace I'm ok with some billionaires. Depending on the currency, of course.