October weather? Ice. November? Balmy, bright. My snowdrops? Confused. #HaikuSaturday #poetry #poetry4all #haiku #weather #plantingseason #bulbs #poem #globalwarming #gardening
@kateywrites Snowdrops being confused seems to have been a regular feature of the last few autumns here in southern PA. But last week an echinacea emerged and fully bloomed, and that ain't supposed to happen.
@cjonthehudson that’s a bit much indeed! I just put these bulbs in the ground this October, so I was surprised at how quickly we managed to muddle their cycle. Do you know if the “previously confused” snowdrops have managed to bloom in “real spring” after their fall awakenings?
@kateywrites I think so, but with bulbs it's always hard to be sure since they tend to be clustered. Even if a few emerge now, there are probably others right nearby that haven't – but I'm also looking at well-established plants.