If you're using #Bandcamp, I would strongly advise getting two external hard drives depending on your size and download your purchased #music ASAP since the new owners are a marketing B2B company and I know where this is eventually going. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/28/epic-games-is-eliminating-16percent-of-its-workforce-and-selling-bandcamp.html
I would not be surprised if Songtradr is going to push the #enshittification button on it. https://www.songtradr.com/blog/posts/songtradr-bandcamp-acquisition/
Here's a nice thread on the saga. https://mastodon.social/@mcc/111143889606615360
What we really need in the long run is a creator-owned preferably decentralized music platform alternative and I hope there's people out there in the world that is willing to create one.
"Employees were not included in Epic's sale of #Bandcamp. Songtradr purchased the platform's business and operations but not its staff"
Only a matter of time before the #enshittification button is inevitably pushed. https://www.wired.com/story/epic-games-sale-bandcamp-music-platform-limbo/
Welp, almost 50% of #Bandcamp staffers were laid off today. The #enshittification button push was inevitable as I said. https://nitter.unixfox.eu/modernistwitch/status/1713962311579234428
Hacker News discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37905638
More reactions:
It surely didn't take too long for #EpicGames and #Songtradr to say "Fuck the Bandcamp workers for our bottom lines!"
I'm sure @bandcampunited has tons to say about this in due time.
Support them!!
EDIT: I added a news link to the thread above to further describe the layoffs and the #enshittification of #Bandcamp
It's a sad sight.
"Bandcamp’s entire union bargaining team, the eight union members democratically elected by their peers to negotiate their first union contract, were laid off when #EpicGames sold #Bandcamp to music licensing company #Songtradr on Monday." https://www.404media.co/bandcamps-entire-union-bargaining-team-was-laid-off/
That is #enshittification at it's finest folks.
Like I said at the top of this very thread, I would strongly advise getting two external hard drives depending on your size and download your purchased #music ASAP before it's too late.