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So, I know I keep saying that I'll drop out of the U.S. campus anti-Joe Biden protest movement debate. I jumped in since I worry so much about our climate crisis that anything that might help out the GOP is something to worry about.
I've seen now how small the anti-Biden movement actually is despite how loud they are I'm not so worried except that since I monitor what motivates voters in the USA the true tiny size of this crowd may belie their political danger.
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If you don't like reading threads or if you want to read it faster than I can copy and paste it, the reason I'm posting this thread is because I found a blog that clearly articulates the concerns everyone that cares about human rights and especially climate change should consider around what they say and do this election year.
So, here's the link and I'll try to respond to thoughtful and respectful discourse, but if you just want to vent perhaps skip it.
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Please keep in mind that even unintended consequences can cause real harm.
Advice for Protesters and especially professors:
1. Participants and provocateurs outside your campus may not have your best interests in mind.
2. The US/Israel relationship is complicated. Deteriorating relations have the potential to cause unrest throughout the Middle East, (even worldwide).
3. The problem isn’t the Israeli people, the problem is Benjamin Netanyahu. He is a narcissist and a fascist.
@GreenFire having the US pressure Netanyahu to stop escalating the war is not going to cause relations to deteriorate.
Netanyahu continuing his mass murder of civilians should cause relations to deteriorate though. It was his failure that left Israel vulnerable to the Hamas attack on Oct 7th, & no matter how many Palestinians he kills, it will never undue his guilt for allowing that atrocity to be perpetrated on Israel. Destroying good relations with the U.S. will just make it harder for his replacement. He needs to be in jail
@CivilityFan @jack_of_sandwich
I'm hopeful based on the peaceful protests that I've been seeing in Tel Aviv that Israelis are regretting leaving the Likud Party in charge for so long and Israel and Uncle Sam along with the Palestinians can get along better in the coming years.
It's up to the people in each of their own countries to own course though I reckon so as usual I'll try to focus on the USA although being the globe's only superpower puts a lot of pressure on our POTUS for sure.