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HH 30: A Star System with Planets Now Forming

How do stars and planets form? New clues have been found in the protoplanetary system Herbig-Haro 30 by the James Webb Space Telescope in concert with Hubble and the Earth-bound ALMA. The observations show, among other things, that large dust grains are more concentrated into a central disk where they can form planets. The featured image from Webb shows many attributes of the active HH-30 system. Jets of particles are being expelled vertically, shown in red, while a dark dust-rich disk is seen across the center, blocking the light from the star or stars still forming there. Blue-reflecting dust is seen in a parabolic arc above and below the central disk, although why a tail appears on the lower left is currently unknown. Studying how planets form in HH 30 can help astronomers better understand how planets in our own Solar System once formed, including our Earth. #space #science #nasa #astronomy

👀 Among world’s top researchers 10% publish at unrealistic levels, analysis finds

「 Geoscientists Peter Mora and Simone Pilia found that an increasing number of researchers – about 20,000 out of the roughly 200,000 scientists on Stanford’s ‘Top 2%’ researcher list – are producing ‘anomalously high publication and co-authorship metrics’, indicating efforts to inflate their publication metrics 」

#science #academia #research

Among world’s top researchers 10% publish at unrealistic levels, analysis findsChemistry World

Nuclear fusion: WEST beats the world record for plasma duration

The CEA’s WEST machine was able to maintain a plasma for more than 22 minutes. In doing so, it smashed the previous record for plasma duration achieved with a tokamak.

#energy #fusion #tokamak #physics #plasma #science #STEM #News #engineering #CEA #ITER #Cadarache #France

Nuclear fusion: WEST beats the world record for plasma duration!CEA/English Portal