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Book photo, cartoon EC 

@janellecshane I got your book! Actually I asked my wife nicely to grab it from the book store in DIA as she was passing through.. It has been a fun read so far!

So.. nerds behold. I have gotten a Perl script to kick out WKT of hexagons across a lat/long bounding box at whatever size in meters I tell it to and dump them into a database.

It was fast at 10 mile bin size, a little slower at 1 mile, but I just dropped it to 9 meters (over about 1/6 of the CONUS) and it has slowed down in creation... but it will get done and won't crash like QGIS did when I attempted the same thing with their python script.

Then the actual fun on binning millions of points to these geometries and making pretty colors!

Phone hygene 

So @vkc posted this and it has made me pause..

However I do not know if I could keep up with my pocket peeps anymore, my handset is my exclusive gateway into masto. I mean clearly I can prune down what I do and do not have installed, but clearly distraction control seems to be the point, or at least a major sub-plot.

Hey y'all! It is the follower from timeline past here to haunt your notifications with faves of posts forgotten!

Old computer tech 

OK fans, time to learn your lore of the TrackPoint. The chonky lappy is vintage 1994ish.

Reason to celebrate? 

I've made it to the top of my feed for the first time in weeks!!


Not sure I'll be able to keep it up but it was fun to speed scroll some between queries

"Your order from Tilted Windmill Press is shipping"

Best news of the day!!!

Fuuuuuuuu... When do y'all cut bait and just go to the top of the stream?? I can't catch up! But FOMO! But I'm living in the past and I want to get with the trends!


Also, I am once again way behind in my feed.

I am the ghost of toots past.

Say that three times fast.

Piracy, humor 

The medium with which you choose to pirate media is like rings on a tree, it defines when you chose to engage in such activities and really when you may have become proficient using the internet.

Torrent: late aughts to mid teens
Limewire: early to mid aughts
Napster: late 90's
nntp, ftp: any time prior

Hello! It is me, haunting your past selves from a timeline long expired!

Really I'm trying to catch up from the weekend!

Haha just kidding, I didn't get to wade through my stream yesterday so now I'm like 4 days behind.

I might have to take drastic measures.

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Hello from the past, stream friends! I will be necro-faving today!!

Finally made it to the top of the stack! About to go back offline for a couple of days..

Enjoy the sunset!

I was doing well for a couple of weeks, staying caught up with my feed. Now I'm back at Saturday. Hello from the past everyone!

LOL I've already had to use ed to fix plan9.INI

Thanks to @mwl I know this to be the Standard Text Editor.

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These images are directly related to my current status.

Image descriptions fill in the details.

Another entry in product placement testing. There was a free day at the local art museum so I had to represent.

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