Today's Low Quality Ad is for this Leather Hole Punch Tool. I carry mine everywhere. You never know when someone's leather jacket will get wrapped around their face, and they'll be in need of a hero to punch an air hole into it so they don't suffocate.
If you don't carry a leather hole puncher and someone near you dies due to leather jacket asphyxiation you can legally go to jail for murder by negligence. So please think about that.
You may laugh, but I do actually have one of these LOL!
or an emergency ear piercing!
@lowqualityfacts If it weren't for these facts and ads I don't know where I would be today.
Dead in a ditch or something for sure.
@lowqualityfacts oh nice a tool to make piercings at home, I may get one to start my small piercing shop
@lowqualityfacts I'll never forget the time I used my tool to punch through boffa
Don't worry LQF, I'm awl full on those things.
@lowqualityfacts I always carry a very sharp one and a section of plastic straw jic I need to perform a tracheostomy on myself.
@lowqualityfacts New fear unlocked
@lowqualityfacts Isn’t leather animal skin? Doesn’t skin breathe?
@lowqualityfacts how much for the belt?
@lowqualityfacts I have one of those. It belonged to my grandfather. I am now myself a grandfather. The design has not changed.
@lowqualityfacts I always wondered why ‘preppers’ always have these things
@lowqualityfacts the word is awl
I foresee another need to carry one at all times. What if you wanted to do your best impression of Mr. Creosote from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life? You might need to add a notch or two to your belt.