Changed my profile header on all my Mastodon accounts to coincide with the sign of the times. #GetPsyched
On the topic of jazz...
Around 30 years ago, I was taking music classes in my studies for sound engineering. I remember taking some music theory classes, and I fell in love with it. However, I never was more in love with the class until I had this one music theory teacher, Mr. John Georgini. He was this rugged looking Italian-American fella who told it like it is, but he really cared that his students achieve their best in his class. As I saw mentioned recently, he was tough, but fair. A spectacular instructor and mentor.
I remember one time crossing paths with him on campus and it was raining rather heavily. I remember seeing him and greeting him jokingly, "Nice weather we're having!" He looked at me and smiled, and said in his scruffy voice, "Yeah... For ducks!" I laughed, but didn't think much beyond that.
It would be more than 30 years later, namely yesterday, that I finally understood why he said that. See, he was an established jazz trumpeter in the Miami jazz scene. Well, yesterday I heard the following song, and it all came full-circle. Even after 3 decades, he never ceases to amaze me. I'll never forget the impact he had on me.
PSA for New Fediverse Folks
For all of the newcomers from the #TwitterMigration and #RedditMigration, welcome! That being said, please make sure to engage with those you wish to follow. I understand that some might be a bit apprehensive to do so given the experience whence you came, but most of us won't bite and are pretty friendly.
Personally, I'm more willing to accept, and follow, folks who not only provide an #introduction or multiple #introductions, but also show engagement with others on the #fediverse. Even if you don't have an avatar configured but are positively and constructively engaging with others, I'll accept and even follow.
However, if all I see when I visit your actual page for more information is a blank avatar, no posts, and no basic info about you even after a number of days, chances are that I'll be very hesitant to accept. 👁️ #psa
For the new folks joining #Mastodon and the #fediverse overall, welcome! It's good to see you filling out a short bio and an avatar to get to know you, but be sure to *engage* with those you follow and remember to "be excellent to each other" when you do. Use CWs if you wonder if your post/toot/whatever is appropriate (better safe than sorry), and provide image descriptions to aid the visually impaired on the fedi.
For the most part, everyone is mindful of others on the fedi ("Do unto others...", that ol' chestnut). Be sure to do the same. ✌🏻
So, I guess it's high time for a new #introduction.
As my profile description says, "I'm a graybeard geek with a love for technology old & new, a love for music, and greater love for my family."
First loves have always been computers and music. Was intrigued as a teen by the word "UNIX" when I saw it in an ad on Family Computing magazine, but wouldn't be turned on to it with Linux until the mid 90s and coming full circle with BSD within the last 6 years or so, though probably more than that if you count Mac OS X. Music also factors into that and, when time permits, I'll sit at my keyboard 🎹 and doodle around or compose something on my Fedora laptop using Qtractor and soft synths. Still miss using Master Tracks Pro on a Mac, though.
Speaking of legacy software and hardware, I do enjoy some #retrocomputing and #classiccomputing from time to time with my stash of vintage computers ranging from a Macintosh Quadra 650 to a Power Macintosh G5, along with a Motorola StarMax 4000 PowerPC Mac clone running both Mac OS and BeOS Pro R5.0.3. Sadly, my IIgs was a casualty of age but still remains as a museum piece in my stash.
Of course, all of those took second place upon having a family and kids. The "families" may have changed over the years, but my sons will always be constant for me and are my world.
Aside from that, expect silly meme posts, my usual #coffee posts , my #GoodMorning / #tzag posts, my #Goodnight / #tzaf posts, and everything of my daily life in between.
anyone know if there's an option in #gnome to get rid of the "trashcan"? if i use nautilus to delete something, i'd like it to be deleted... not moved and still taking up space.
Microsoft says the March 2025 Windows cumulative updates automatically and mistakenly remove the AI-powered Copilot digital assistant from some Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems.
The rise of Gimp 3
Big kudos to the #Gimp team!
I've just tested out the brand new version 3 and the most wanted feature, non-destructive-editig, just blew my mind!
I haven't realized that now, everything that is based on GEGL is editable, it is just amazing, this goes beyond what I expected as non-destructive-editing.
There are still plenty of room for improvements though , I hope in the future they will add a layer mask for each effect and the opacity channel to determine the amount of the intensity.
Nevertheless this result by itself it is just amazing and superior to other commercials solution even in its infantry!
This will boost my workflow cause now I can modify colors on my images without degrading the original ones and exporting the working file as jpeg-xl, this is already a pro level!
#GoodMorning, good #tzag, and Happy #StPatricksDay.
Enjoying some oatmeal for breakfast and then on to my first cuppa #coffee for the morning before I wake up A and then head off to work today. Hoping for a good-luck filled morning! 🍀
It’s a #MARCHintosh miracle, this MessagePad 110 that my friend gave me that used to belong to his dad’s friend is only minimally (all things considered) battery bombed, and powers up and works with external power.
Watching Mick Jagger and Tina Turner on Live Aid stage live streamed via RealPlayer! The future is now! Thank you @theirongiant and if you can, click that button! 😁 #MARCHintosh
People did so many cool things with HyperCard! Thank you @smallsco for uploading this. 1-bit birds are the best birds! Available in #MARCHintosh
The United Gospel Trio played jazz from the hymnal at two services this morning. We sang "What A Friend We Have In Jesus", "Hymn Of Promise", and "It Is Well With My Soul", the first two accompanied by piano, organ, and bass. We also did a scat chorus on What A Friend.
Jackie Chandler - organ, vocals
Chris Kjorlaug - bass, vocals
Hairy Larry - piano, vocals, scat
Evan - Worship Leader, vocals, scat
Tesla Autopilot drives into Wile E Coyote fake road wall in camera vs lidar test
Stuck at the „Loading kernel…“ message when you expect #freebsd to continue booting after the Beastie screen? Hit 3 while you still can to escape to the loader prompt. Type „set boot_verbose=-v“, confirm with Enter, then „boot“. Solved the problem for me. To make that permanent add boot_verbose=-v to loader.conf.
#GoodMorning and good #tzag.
Just finished chat hosting our 9 AM online Sunday service and ready for a second cuppa #coffee as I make breakfast. Hoping for a relaxed Sunday after a rowdy Saturday.
I'm a graybeard geek with a love for technology old & new, a love for music, and greater love for my family. (he/him) 🇺🇸 🇦🇷
No, not *that* Claudio Miranda. 📽️ 🚫 😝
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